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词汇 captivity
释义 cap·tiv·i·ty 英kæpˈtɪvɪtiː美kæpˈtɪvɪtiAHDkăp-tĭvʹĭ-tē ★☆☆☆☆高IMT八COCA¹⁵⁴⁵³BNC¹²⁵⁹⁸iWeb¹¹⁶⁰⁸Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

the state of being imprisoned;

he was held in captivity until he died

the imprisonment of captured soldiers

his ignominious incarceration in the local jail

he practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon

the state of being a slave;

So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity

词根词缀: -capt-抓 + -ivity性状方振宇词汇奥秘capto take,取+t连接字母+ive形容词后缀+ity名词后缀,表示性质→被取过来关在一起→囚禁,监禁capto take,取+t连接字母+ive形容词后缀+ity名词后缀,表示性质→被取过来关在一起⇒囚禁,监禁非常记忆cap帽子〖熟词〗+tiviTV〖谐音〗+ty太阳〖拼音〗⇒囚禁在帽子里的TV女神见不到太阳词根记忆capt抓住+ivity→被抓住→被俘→囚禁,拘留词根记忆capt抓+ivity情况→抓住→拘留近义词 bondage奴役custody拘留detention滞留constraint约束internment拘禁immurement监禁confinement拘禁enslavement奴役incarceration下狱imprisonmentU监禁

用作名词He had been kept incaptivityfor a month.他被囚禁了一个月。
They prayed for an early deliverance fromcaptivity.他们为早日获释而祈祷。
He was released from his longcaptivity.他被释放了,结束了他长期的被俘生活。
Captivity of itself is not a condition of culpability.被俘本身不是应受惩罚的行为。
It came as the joyous daybreak to end the long night of theircaptivity.它的来临就像愉悦的曙光结束了他们受到束缚的漫长黑夜。noun.physical detention by force
同义词 bondage,confinement,custody,imprisonment,incarceration,slaverycommittal,constraint,durance,duress,enslavement,enthrallment,entombment,impoundment,internment,jail,limbo,restraint,serfdom,servitude,subjection,thralldom,vassalage
反义词 freedom,liberation,libertyindependence,license
arrestnoun taking into custody
accommodation,apprehension,appropriation,bag,booby trap,bust,capture,collar,commitment,confinement,constraint,crimp,detention,drop,fall,gaff,glom,grab,heat,hook,imprisonment,incarceration,jailing,mitt,nab,nail,nick,nip,pick up,pickle,pinch,preventive custody,protective custody,pull,pull in,restraining,run-insequesteringsnare,sweep
constraintnoun restriction
constraintsnoun restriction
a musts,coercions,compulsions,drivings,duress,goads,hang-ups,impellings,impulsions,monkeys,motives,necessities,no-nos,pressures,repressions,restraints,springs,spurs,suppressions,violence
duressnoun threat, hardship
fettersnoun bindings;bondage
imprisonmentnoun forcible detention
bondage,captivity,confinement,custody,durance,duress,immuration,incarceration,isolation,quarantine,remand,restraint,thraldom,thralldom During his27 years in captivity, mainly on Robben Island, sport helped sustain the spirits of Mandela and his fellow inmates.
他,27年的囚禁生涯,主要关押在罗本岛,体育运动有助于维持曼德拉及他的同案犯们的蓬勃精神。 yeeyan

Former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt is celebrating with her family, after being freed from more than six years in captivity.
贝当古曾经是哥伦比亚总统候选人,在被关押六年多后,她现在正在和家人一起庆祝团聚。 ebigear

It was hunted almost to oblivion last century, but after a programme to breed the animals in captivity and release them into the wild, the species is no longer endangered.
上个世纪,由于大肆捕杀,该物种几乎濒临灭绝。但是经过集中圈养然后放回大自然的项目之后,阿拉伯大羚羊不再是濒危物种。 hxen

The Stanford prison experiment was a psychological study of human responses to captivity and its behavioral effects on both authorities and inmates in prison.
“斯坦福监禁实验”研究的是人类对于被囚禁态的心理反应,以及其对囚犯和监狱管理人员产生的行为性影响。 yeeyan

The university, with the help of Germany's Leipzig zoo, is leading a project to breed amphibians in captivity.
在德国莱比锡动物园的帮助下,该大学正在主持一个圈养繁殖两栖动物的研究项目。 yeeyan

There may be some among us who can imagine20 days in captivity; perhaps a fraction of those can imagine a full year deprived of liberty and most human contact.
我们之间可能有些人可以想像被囚禁20天会是什么样,也许很少一部分人可以想像一整年被剥夺自由,没有机会接触别人的滋味。 yeeyan

And afterward I will bring again the captivity of the children of Ammon, saith the LORD.
后来我还要使被掳的亚扪人归回。 这是耶和华说的。 ebigear

Any birth is captivity is important- particularly for reasons of conservation.
任何圈养的生育都是重要的---特别为了保护的原因。 yeeyan

But studies of chimps in captivity, where they are exposed to human behaviors, do not necessary reflect how they act in the real world.
这是在圈养环境下对黑猩猩所做的研究,它并不一定反映他们在真正野外世界的行为。 yeeyan

But that creativity ultimately led to his captivity and death.
但这种创造性却最终导致了囚禁和死亡。 yeeyan

Chew on this: animal- rights group PETA says life in captivity is too stressful for groundhogs, which should thus be excused from Groundhog Day festivities.
仔细想想这些事实:动物权益保护组织声称土拨鼠的囚禁生活压力太大,因此在土拨鼠庆祝节时应当将它们放出来。 yeeyan

During her captivity she was held in a subterranean bunker which was initially equipped with just a bed, toilet and sink.
在自己的囚禁的日子里,她被关在一个地下的仓库里,所有的装备仅仅是一张床,一个厕所以及水槽。 yeeyan

Even if Downey and Fecteau do not consider their long captivity suitable for literary treatment, there is great value for today’s intelligence officers in how they played the bad hand dealt to them.
尽管唐尼和费克图认为他们被长期囚禁的经历不适合写成书,但他们面对困境时所采取的应对措施,对当今的情报人员还是有巨大价值的。 yeeyan

For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD.
因为我必使这地被掳的人归回,和起初一样。 这是耶和华说的。 ebigear

For starters, you’ll need to gauge your chances of escaping verses surviving a “ hostage” situation, whether it lasts the duration of a bank card withdrawal or months in captivity.
对于初学者,你得权衡:是逃生的几率大,还是更有可能挺过被劫持难关;劫持只限于用银行卡提取现金的时间段,还是可能被囚禁数月。 yeeyan

His resolve was even more hardened to escape from captivity although it was impossible.

How did they keep from losing all hope during years of captivity in the United States?
他们究竟是如何被囚禁在美国的这些年里保持住自己的希望的? yeeyan

Many of its inmates could spend the rest of their lives in captivity without ever having a proper trial.
它的很多犯人可能在那被囚禁他们一生,甚至得不到一个像样的的审判。 yeeyan

Ms Rojas, who did give birth in captivity, has called the charge“ lies and spite”.
罗哈斯女士在囚禁中确实生了小孩,但她把这种指控称为“谎言和侮辱。” ecocn

Much took the form of a Stockholm Syndrome-like response to captivity, whereby hostages end up sympathising with their captors.
被他囚禁的许多人甚至患上了“斯德哥尔摩综合征”即人质到最后反而同情绑架者。 ecocn

Some fish, such as groupers and eels, do not breed in captivity. They must be reared from fish caught in the wild, whose stocks are thereby reduced.
有些鱼类,象石斑鱼和鳗鲡,不能囚禁繁殖,它们必需由捕捉的野生鱼繁殖,因此导致野生鱼存量减少。 ecocn

That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.
那时,有我一个弟兄哈拿尼,同着几个人从犹大来。我问他们那些被掳归回,剩下逃脱的犹大人和耶路撒冷的光景。 ebigear

The couple had spent388 days in captivity, some in solitary confinement and most in makeshift desert camps, guarded by drug-addled, illiterate young men toting AK47s.
这对夫妇被囚禁了388天,有时是单独监禁,但大多数时间关在沙漠的临时帐篷中,被一些手持 AK47,目不识丁,毒瘾缠身的年轻人看守。 yeeyan

The creature soon died in captivity.
这只动物在圈养时很快死去。 ecocn

Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.
所以我要把你们掳到大马士革以外。 这是耶和华,名为万军之神说的。 ebigear




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