

单词 cappuccinos
释义 cap·puc·ci·no·s 英ˌkæpu'tʃiːnəʊ美ˌkæpu'tʃiːnoʊ COCA⁷⁷⁹⁶⁰BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
equal parts of espresso and hot milk topped with cinnamon and nutmeg and usually whipped cream近义词 coffee咖啡

用作名词Cappuccino is my key to beautiful English!卡布其诺是我开启漂亮英语之门的钥匙!
The cinnamon some of us dash in ourcappuccinotoday was once used by ancient Egyptians to embalm the dead.今天我们在卡布其诺上添加的肉桂,曾被古埃及人用来防止尸体腐坏。as in.coffee
同义词 caffeine,espressobrew,decaf,decoction,demitasse,ink,java,mocha,mud,perkbattery acid,café,café au lait,café noir,forty weight,hot stuff,jamocha,joe,varnish remover
coffeenoun hot beverage made from beans of a tree
battery acid,brew,caffeine,café,café au lait,café noir,cappuccino,decaf,decoction,demitasse,espresso,forty weight,hot stuff,ink,jamocha,java,joe,mocha,mud,perk,varnish remover And meanwhile, at the end of the day I have no idea how many cappuccinos I sold because it’s really difficult to access that information.
同时,当工作结束后,我却不知道到底卖了多少杯咖啡,因为难以统计。 yeeyan

Are you losing the motivation to do what you love because you’re buying too many shoes or hats or cappuccinos?
你是否因为买了过多的鞋啊帽子啊热奶咖啡啊,才使得你失去了想做的事情的动机? yeeyan

“ Blake ordered two cappuccinos, ” an onlooker tells PEOPLE.
“布莱克点了两份卡布奇诺,”一位目击者告诉 PEOPLE杂志。 hxen

Auto steam wandoptional for creamy cappuccinos at the right temperature.
自动蒸汽棒可以在正确的温度做出卡布奇诺需要的奶沫。 blog.sina.com.cn

Because life without black coffee, frothy cappuccinos, soy lattes, and espresso shots is simply not possible.
因为失去黑咖啡,起泡卡布奇诺,大豆拿铁和咖啡球的生活是不可能继续的。 yeeyan

Buy five expensive cappuccinos while you discuss this with friends.
可以为朋友们买上五杯昂贵的热奶咖啡,然后和他们说说这事。 yeeyan

How many cappuccinos did you sell?

I prefer to have an espresso that is perfect as a straight shot because this will also be good in cappuccinos.
我会更喜欢那些直接单喝就很好喝的配方豆,因为那通常在卡布上的表现也会很不错。 blog.sina.com.cn

If an afterlife existed, Mandy figured that for Linda it would be more of the same— cappuccinos, Chinese, films at Lincoln Center. You could do that stuff dead.
如果有来生,曼迪想琳达应该会过同样的生活——卡布奇诺,中文,林肯中心的电影,你都可以做这些到死。 yeeyan

Inspired by a visit to Milan in 1983, he had envisaged a chain of coffee bars where customers would chat over their espressos and cappuccinos.
1983年在一次去意大利米兰的旅途中,他获得了灵感,开始思考创建一个顾客能与员工边交流情感边享受热咖啡的想法。 topsage

McDonald's is aiming to overtake Starbucks as Europe's biggest coffee chain, with plans to open several hundred McCafe stores selling pastries and cappuccinos this year.
麦当劳拟超越星巴克,成为在欧洲最大的咖啡连锁店。麦当劳规划今年开设几百家出售糕点以及卡布奇诺的麦咖啡店。 hyhtjt

No lattes, cappuccinos, or Starbucks double shots.
没有拿铁,没有卡布奇诺,没有星巴克。 yeeyan

The concept is meant to create a different approach towards retailing ice blended coffee, cappuccinos, lattes and espressos.
这个概念是为了创造一个不同的方式对零售混合冰咖啡,热牛奶咖啡,拿铁咖啡和浓缩咖啡。 gtn9

Then he started to miss his delicious cappuccinos— still reasonably priced and a short walk from his house— and realized how irrational his boycott had been.
于是,他开始思念美味的卡布奇诺---仍然还算合理的定价和离他住处很近的一段距离---并且意识到他的这种抵制多少有点荒谬。 yeeyan

Use nonfat milk or nonfat half and half, especially in milk- heavy drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, and avoid flavored syrups and sugar all together.
加脱脂奶或一半脱脂一半含脂尤其是喝象拿铁&卡布奇诺这样重牛奶的咖啡时,别加任何糖浆或糖就行了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Well before classes start, students and teachers order Lattes, Cappuccinos and Hot Chocolates.
在上课以前,教师和学生可以叫拿铁咖啡,卡布奇诺和热巧克力。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Who makes most money from the demand for cappuccinos early in the morning at Waterloo Station?
在清晨的滑铁卢车站里,是谁从卡普齐诺咖啡的需求中赚取了最多的金钱? leadbbs




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