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CAPM高 基本例句 =Computer-Aided Patient Management 计算机辅助病员管理¹⁰⁰ Be a part of this exciting, growing profession by gaining your CAPM credential. 获得 CAPM认证,您就能加入这振奋人心的,蓬勃发展的职业。 thea The article suggests the establishment of a CAPM model capital Asset Price Model, and analyses the project financing risk. 提出了建立 CAPM模型资产定价模型,对项目融资风险进行定量分析方法。 cnki The Capital Asset Price Model CAPM use the most extensive model on the security market at present. 资本资产定价模型 CAPM是目前证券市场上应用最广泛的模型。 cnki The capital asset pricing model CAPM is a method in common use for analyzing securities combination in mathematical form. 资本资产定价模型 CAPM是常用的一种证券定量组合分析方法。 cnki The Certified Associate in Project Management CAPM credential is designed for project team members and entry-level project managers, as well as qualified undergraduate and graduate students. 项目管理专业助理师 APM质认证,专为项目团队成员及入门的项目经理人设计,同时适用于在校大学生或本科毕业生。 jukuu CAPM It's abbreviated as the CAPM and I'm not going to do it justice here, I'm sorry, but there are so many ins and outs of this. 它的缩写是,我不打算在这做进一步阐释,不好意思,但是这里有很多值得深究的东西。163 Aimed at the integration of flexible CAPP and CAPM, A two- phase theory of static phase and dynamic phase is proposed. 针对柔性 CAPP与 CAPM的集成,提出了静态集成和动态集成的两段法。 cnki Along with various accumulations of anomalies in financial market, the correctness of Efficient Market Hypothesis EMH and the Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM has been doubted. 随着金融市场上各种异象的累积,有效市场假说 EMH和资本资产定价模型 CAPM的权威地位已开始动摇。 cnki Chapter one analyzes the partial and general equilibrium theory of asset pricing, which includes MPT, CAPM, APT and CCAPM. 第一部分阐述了资产定价的均衡理论,分为局部均衡和一般均衡理论,局部均衡包括 MPT、 CAPM和 APT等理论模型; iciba Ever since the emergence of effective market hypothesisEPH and capital asset pricing model CAPM, lots of fruitful studies have been made by overseas accounting scholars. 继公司财务学的有效市场假说和资本财产定价模型产生以来,国外会计学界围绕上述问题进行了卓有成效的大量研究。 cnki Generally speaking, the classical pricing theory and the theory of efficient market is in the core of mainstream finance and the argument of EMH or CAPM has never ceased. 总的来说,经典的资产定价理论和市场有效理论一直占据着主流金融学的中心部分,关于 EMH、 CAPM的争论也一刻都没有停止过。 cnki However, we find that the CAPM based on the preference for wealth cannot hold true when the pricing kernel consists of the aggregate consumption and aggregate wealth. 但是,当定价的基准是总消费和总财富时,基于财富偏好的资产定价模型不能成立。 cnki Starting from CAPM Capital Assets Pricing Model analysis, a new method for hedging portfolio risk with stock index futures is proposed. 从分析 CAPM资本资产定价模型入手,提出了用股票指数期货来对冲股票组合风险的一种方法。 cnki The empirical results sustain the hypothesis of multi- resolution systematic risk and multiresolution CAPM, which provide experienced evidence for dynamic portfolio to disperse risk. 实证结果支持多分辨系统风险假说和多分辨高阶矩 CAPM的成立,为构建动态投资组合分散金融风险的动态影响提供了证据。 cnki Therefore, the paper suggests that CAPM is ineffective and the asset pricing depends on multi- factor model in Shanghai A-share market. 因此,在上海 A股市场, CAPM失去了有效性,资产定价可以由多因素模型决定。 cnki To limitation of this model, a large number of scholar develop CAPM at present, but no one model can still substitute the Capital Assets Price Model totally. 针对此模型的局限性,目前大量学者发展了 CAPM,但是仍然没有一个模型能完全替代资本资产定价模型。 cnki West scholars have done many empirical studies. Totally these empirical studies show that CAPM is perfectly similar to the yield structure of financial market. 西方学者对 CAPM做过大量的实证研究,这些研究表明, CAPM可为金融市场的收益结构提供相当好的近似。 cnki CAPM Model and APT Model based on the theory of investment combination is the core of mod- ern capital market theory. 建立在投资组合理论基础之上的 CAPM模型和 APT模型是现代资本市场理论的核心。 cnki |