

单词 capitation
释义 cap·i·ta·tion 英ˌkæpɪˈteɪʃən美ˌkæpɪˈteʃənAHDkăp'ĭ-tāʹshən 高四G宝COCA⁶⁷⁶⁷⁶BNC²⁶¹⁷³iWeb⁴⁰⁴⁵⁹

a tax levied on the basis of a fixed amount per person来自词根cap, 头,词源同captain. 即按人头收的税。capitation grant按人头算的补助费…capitation tax人头税capitation fee均摊的费用
GRE红宝书cap头-按人头收税-人头税cap抓, it他-抓他去交人头税
capitalist 资本主义国家→税多,而且是按人头cap收税
capit头+ation动名词后缀→数人头之行为和结果→按人头来收的费⇒人头税,人头费,每人均摊费。GRE难词记忆capitation→capit=cap=head 头+ation→人头税词根记忆capit头+ ation → 按人头收税 ⇒人头税近义词 tax税fee费用levy征税duty义务charge责任amount数量payment支付toll伤亡人数poll tax人头税

用作名词No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.除依本宪法前文对人口普查或统计结果规定的比例证税外,不得征收人头税或其它直接税。
The vast majority of secondary schools belong to the free education scheme and receive allowances andcapitationgrants from the State.绝大部分中学属于免费教育方案,接收国家津贴和按人头计算的补助费。as in.tax
同义词 contribution,cost,duty,expense,fine,levy,price,rate,tariffassessment,bite,brokerage,custom,dues,excise,giveaway,imposition,impost,obligation,salvage,tithe,toll,towage,tributepork barrel
taxnoun charge levied by government on property, income
assessment,bite,brokerage,contribution,cost,custom,dues,duty,excise,expense,fine,giveaway,imposition,impost,levy,obligation,pork barrel,price,rate,salvage,tariff,tithe,toll,towage,tribute
taxesnoun charge levied by government on property, income
assessments,bites,brokerages,capitations,contributions,costs,customs,dues,duties,excise,expenses,fines,giveaways,impositions,imposts,levies,obligations,pork barrels,prices,rates,salvage,tariffs,tithes,tolls,towages,tributes The article compared the problems and weaknesses among the fee for service, capitation, fee for unit and globe budget and reviewed the application of DRGs in abroad.
总结了我国现行的按服务项目、服务单元、人头和总额预付等基本医疗保险费用结算办法中存在的问题和弊端; cnki

The levied objects almost includes all people of the country, and the capitation became the most principal source of the country.
人头税的征收对象几乎涵盖了全体国民,成为封建国家最主要的财政收入。 cnki

These draft guidelines specify that doctors should not enter into those pre? paid capitation schemes that are incompatible with a high standard of medical practice.
草拟中的指引列明,任何预先付款的商业医疗计划,若不符合提供高质素医疗服务的宗旨,医生不应该参与这些计划。 chleong

Closed structure impeller: adopt excellent hydraulic mode efficient, highly resistant to capitation erosion.
闭式结构叶轮:采用优秀的水力模型,效率高,抗汽蚀性能强。 delle

Objective To investigate the effect of the application of sickbed capitation in clinical attendance.
目的探讨床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的效果。 chemyq

The third section introduces the practical policy experience of rationing in the UK, and the weighted capitation formula for geographical areas.
第三段介绍英国在过去与近年来的医疗资源配给经验,以及英国对于医疗资源地理分布的策略内容。 www.ceps.com.tw

Whether they bear the name vat tax, sales tax, poll tax, duty, impost, excise, capitation, flat, stamp, or whatever other name, they nevertheless all remain either a direct tax or an indirect tax.
无论背上增值税、销售税、人头税,税,税款,海关计酬、单位、邮票、或其它什么名字,但一切仍是直接税或间接税。 customersdeals.com

With improvement of people's living standard the capitation water consumption increases constantly and the sanitary sewage becomes an important pollution sources.
随着人民生活水平的提高,城市人均用水量逐年增加,伴随产生的生活污水已经成为不可忽视的污染源。 cnki




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