

单词 capitalizes
释义 cap·i·tal·ize·s 英'kæpɪtəlaɪz美'kæpɪtəlaɪz COCA⁶³³¹²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
draw advantages from;

he is capitalizing on her mistake

she took advantage of his absence to meet her lover

supply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenderswrite in capital letterscompute the present value of a business or an incomeconsider expenditures as capital assets rather than expensesconvert a company's reserve funds into capitalcapitalize upon利用capitalize upon something利用capitalize on something利用capitalize on利用
近义词 exploit剥削benefit from得益于profit from从 … 得益capitalise 将 … 大写take advantage of利用make the most of充分利用get the most out of最有效的使用…

用作及物动词Don't forget tocapitalizethe first letter in the sentence.不要忘记把句子中首词的第一个字母大写。
Pleasecapitalizethe report.请用大写字母写这份报告。
He has decided tocapitalizeall his property .他决定把全部财产变为资本。用作不及物动词Everyone shouldcapitalizeon his opportunity.每个人都应当利用机会。
How do youcapitalizeon that this weekend?你会如何利用这个周末呢? The resulting design capitalizes on the length of the corridors transforming the space into an ideal location to showcase clothing and fashion accessories.
设计抓住这两条长长的走廊,尽显其能,使之变成别具时尚品味的展示空间,展示时尚衣服和装饰品。 julemei

The Cuban government capitalizes on the nostalgia that saturates Havana's streets by allowing visitors to rent old convertibles to roam around in.
古巴政府却利用了这一点,允许观光客租上一台敞蓬老爷车,穿梭于哈瓦那的街道上,来一次“怀旧之旅”。 yeeyan

The principle of high speed takes the improvement of human's quality as a pushing power and capitalizes every opportunity moment to keep high developing speed.
快速原则即以人的素质创新为动力,抓住机遇,保持快速发展的原则。 cnki

Better World Books capitalizes on the value of the book to fund and support literacy initiatives locally, nationally, and around the world.
“美丽书世界”用卓越的资本运营来运营书籍,来支持并赞助地区、国家、甚至全世界的教育事业。 yeeyan

Cafe owner capitalizes on the good weather by putting tables and chairs out on the pavement.
咖啡馆老板借助宜人的气候,将桌椅拿出来摆在人行道上。 http://hotdic.com

Cosmetic advertising capitalizes on and perhaps reinforces the idea that no matter how strong our self-esteem may be, women still worry.
化妆品广告利用并假想强化一个观点,那就是:不论我们的自尊心多强大,女人还是会担心。 yeeyan

Designed as a living gallery space, the architecture capitalizes on the openness and optimizes generous display surfaces.
作为一个生活画廊空间设计,建筑利用了慷慨的开放性和优化的显示表面。 blog.sina.com.cn

He capitalizes on daily life languages to express the true temperament of the characters.
他利用日常生活语言来表现人物的真实气质。 iciba

If you tap the space bar twice, i Phone inserts a period at the end of sentences, then capitalizes the next word for you.
如果你点击空格键两次, iPhone在插入一个句子的结束期限,则大写为你下一个单词。 www.acpp.com.cn

Introduces a good way that capitalizes power transistors of PNP pattern to amplify output current.
提出了利用PNP型功率晶体管来扩展集成电源器件输出电流的方法。 magsci

Lean thinking capitalizes on the intelligence of frontline workers, believing that they are the ones who should determine and continually improve the way they do their jobs.
精益思想利用一线工人的聪明才智,相信他们是有能力决定和继续改进其工作方式的人。 ibm

Sandler recognizes and capitalizes on the power of reinforcement.
桑德拉认同强化的力量并将之充分利用。 sandlerchina

Skinbook capitalizes on users' familiarity with Facebook- style member profiles, messages, forums and groups.
Skinbook利用了用户们熟悉的 Facebook网站风格建立会员档案、留言板、论坛和群组。 yeeyan

So from the Unit Test perspective we see that BDD capitalizes on TDD and pushes it further to relate it to the Use Cases that we should be concerned about.
因此,从单元测试的角度来看, BDD利用了 TDD,并且进一步推动它,将它与我们关心的用例联系了起来。 infoq

The soundtrack effectively mirrors the half-filled desires and lives that the film capitalizes on: restlessness, ennui, doubt, and unrequited love rule here.
电影原声音乐有效的反应了影片所要捕捉的未了的欲望与生活:不安,无聊,疑虑以及没有回报的爱占据了这里。 eeff

The organization capitalizes on the fantastic views afforded by the site.
总之住宅的空间组织抓住了场地赐予的所有美好景色。 julemei

This model capitalizes on stress- strength interference theory and curve, and Weibull model about the winds distribution is considered.
该模型利用应力-强度干涉理论,并且假定风速服从威布尔分布。 dictall

This timely book capitalizes on today's massive move back into the markets and investors' renewed determination to find strategies that really work.
这一及时的书利用了今天的大规模回迁到市场和投资者,再次决心寻求真正的战略工作。 ccebook.cn

Tiandi Rongtong capitalizes on the fact that China is in between heaven and earth TianDi and TiandiRongtong is in between Sweden and China.
天地融通充分占据了中国聚集天地精华,以及天地融通联系起瑞典和中国两地的优势。 tiandirongtong

Web2.0 capitalizes on the fact that it simply isn't necessary to do things this way.
事实上没必要一定要这样做事, Web2.0就利用了这一点。 ibm




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