

单词 capitalisms
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n.资本主义经资本主义原型capitalism的复数 A cockpit of competing capitalisms
资本主义不同流派相互竞争的斗鸡场 ecocn

In the past, people hold individualism is Capitalisms ideology and appropriate for Capitalism.
个人主义可分为极端个人主义与合理个人主义两种。 cnki

It is a current significant theory and realistic question for government to balance the marketable labor relations, establish the balance mechanism between capitalisms and labors.
政府如何平衡市场化下的劳动关系,建立起劳资权利平衡机制,是当前重大的理论和现实问题。 fabiao

Not all capitalisms are created equal.
并非所有的资本主义都“生而平等”。 ebigear

Until today, I never new that we had5 capitalisms, yet it's quite true these five dimensions of wealth, often fail to operate in concert.
直到今天我才知道我们有五种资本主义,然而事实上这五种财富维度的概念经常无法产生影响。 chinadialogue




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