

单词 capitalise
释义 capitalise 英'kæpitəlaiz美'kæpitəlaiz 高四八COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC²¹⁴⁰⁶iWeb¹⁹⁴¹⁸Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
vt. 将…大写¹⁰⁰时态capitalised,capitalising,capitalises
supply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lendersdraw advantages from;

he is capitalizing on her mistake

she took advantage of his absence to meet her lover

write in capital letterscompute the present value of a business or an incomeconsider expenditures as capital assets rather than expensesconvert a company's reserve funds into capitalcapital-ise表动词⇒vt.将…大写近义词 capitalize以大写字母写…
Far- right parties hope to capitalise on the ugly mood at presidential and local elections later this month.
极右政党期望能在本月晚些时候举行的地方和总统选举中对此类厌烦情绪加以利用。 ecocn

In other words, recruitment firms are hoping to capitalise on the popularity of social networking.
换句话说,求职公司希望能利用最近所流行的,在网络上社交及建立人脉关系的嗜好。 ecocn

As Egypt’s powerful state regroups its forces and continues to capitalise on fears of insecurity, Mr Mubarak’s men may have their way.
随着埃及强有力的国家重新组织力量,并继续利用人们对于安全缺失的恐惧,穆巴拉克一派或许能够如愿以偿。 ecocn

But now Mr Monks finds himself in the mainstream— and hopes to capitalise on it.
但现在,蒙克斯发现自己属于主流派别,并希望利用这一点。 ecocn

England were getting into good positions but lacked the crisp final ball, or indeed the movement in the box, to capitalise.
英格兰队正在进入良好的状态,只是缺少最后干净利落的进球,或者真正移动到罚球区加以利用。 yeeyan

HFT uses automated strategies to capitalise on inefficient pricing of financial instruments at blinding speed.
高频交易员以惊人的速度运用自动化策略来利用金融工具的低效定价。 ecocn

However, countries will be allowed time to implement the rules, so the rush to re- capitalise does not trigger a further plunge in economic activity.
然而,这将允许国家有足够的时间来实施新条例,所以重新利用资金不会引起对经济活动的的冲击。 yeeyan

Several new parties are trying to capitalise on discontent with the main parties.
一些新政党试图利用民众对执政党的不满。 ecocn

So in that sense, yes you could argue that conservationists capitalise on the panda's appeal.
那么,从这个意义上你是可以说,生态保护主义者利用了熊猫的吸引力。 yeeyan

Some firms are already trying to capitalise on this new mood.
一些公司已经准备利用这种新的情绪。 yeeyan

The accelerated pace set by some Democrats seems designed to capitalise on recent momentum behind a climate change bill which cleared a crucial committee in late May.
五月下旬,一项气候变化法案在一个关键的委员会得以通过,一些民主党人士似乎是希望利用这一势头加快立法速度。 yeeyan

When the markets rebound from their current malaise, banks and brokers will be eager to capitalise on the return of the world's appetite for risk.
如果市场从目前的萎靡状态反弹,银行和经纪公司将热衷于利用全球风险兴趣回升的特点。 ebigear




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