

单词 capacitor bank
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A new shun capacitor bank control law based on fuzzy control theory is proposed.
提出了运用模糊控制理论的关联电容器模糊控制规律。 cnki

The basic purpose of a shunt capacitor bank is to increase the local circuit voltage and or reprove the load power factor carried by the circuit.
并联电容器组的基本目的是要提高当地线路的电压,或提高引线路所带负荷的功率因数。 ebigear

The capacitor bank shall be suitable for temporary operation with one terminal of the tertiary grounded.
适合一个大专接地端子电容器组应为临时行动。 google

The capacitor current exchange type quasi- constant current charging system was used for capacitor bank storage energy systems.
所用电容器组储能系统采用电容换流式准恒流充电回路。 cnki

After the tunable capacitor bank is used in the re- design, the resonance phenomenon disappeared.
重新设计采用了调谐式电容器组后,谐振现象消失。 www.jzdq.net.cn

Calculation methods of installation capacitance and group capacitance for shunt capacitor bank are proposed.
提出了并联电容器组的安装容量和分组容量的计算方法。 cnki

In addition, the transient analysis for the back-to-back capacitor bank in a power system will also be involved in the thesis to demonstrate that the Poincare Map has various applications.
另外,为了证明本方法的适用范围相当广泛,本论文还将运用 Poincare映射于电力系统背对背并联电容器之投入暂态分析上。 docin

The experimental results showed that muzzle velocity of the projectile was almost linear with the charging voltage of the capacitor bank when the initial position of the armature was fixed.
实验结果表明:在电枢初始位置不变的情况下,弹丸初速度与电容器组的充电电压几乎成线性关系; www.bgzdh.com.cn

The paper studies on the harmonic response of shunt capacitor bank running with some units turn off for fault.
研究并联电容器组运行中由于部分电容器故障退出后的谐波响应。 dictall

This paper analyses the internal overvoltage and the phase current of grounded wye shunt capacitor bank when there are failures in it, and gives corresponding equations.
分析了中性点接地电容器组内部故障时的内部过电压和相电流变化,并给出了相应计算公式。 cnki

When harmonic sources exist in power system, parallel resonance occurs due to the interaction between shunt capacitor bank and system inductance.
当系统中存在谐波源时,无功补偿电容器组与系统电路会在某次谐波频率下发生并联谐振。 cnki

Which three-phase common compensation capacitor bank connected with triangles,3 sub- harmonic flowed only in triangle, avoid grid harmonic pollution;
其中三相共补电容器组采用三角形连接,3次谐波只流通于三角形内,避免了对电网的3次谐波污染; boshuo




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