

单词 capacitive
释义 ca·pac·i·tive 英kə'pæsɪtɪv美kə'pæsətɪv 高COCA⁶⁴¹⁵²BNC⁵³²⁹⁷iWeb²¹⁴³⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

of or relating to capacitancecapacitive loading电容性负载capacitive impedance电容性阻抗,容抗…capacitive character电容性capacitive tuning电容调谐,电容党…capacitive iris电容性窗膜,电容性膜…capacitive component电容成分,电容性分量…capacitive unbalance电容不平衡capacitive diaphragm电容性窗膜capacitive load电容性负载capacitive joint电容性连接capacitive transducer电容变换器,电容式转…capacitive window电容性窗口capacitive coupling容性耦合,电容耦合,…capacitive current电容性电流capacitive reactance容抗,电容性电抗,电…capacitive probe电容探测器capacitive post电容型心capacitive circuit电容电路capacitive feedback电容性反馈,电容回授…capacitive micrometer电容式测微计,电容测…
用作形容词The methods used to limit transient effects depend on whether the load iscapacitiveor inductive.限制瞬态效应所使用的方法取决于负载是电容性的还是电感性的。 And touch is arguably faster for entering text when it's aid- assisted on a capacitive screen.
在输入辅助技术加电容屏的帮助下,文字输入速度可能也会更快。 yeeyan

As shown in Figure3-12, common- mode current ICM is caused by capacitive coupling CCOUPLING from the power line through the power transformer.
从图3-12可以看出,共模电流 ICM是从电源线经过电源变压器通过电容耦合 CCOUPLING而产生的。 eefocus

For establishing the equation of the capacitive target detection accurately, the distributing characteristics of the charges on the bomb body with capacitance fuze were explored.
探讨配用电容引信的弹体电荷分布规律,以准确建立电容目标探测方程。 iciba

It uses capacitive touchscreen technology, unlike the resistive touchscreen found on every prior Palm device over the past twelve years.
屏幕使用了电容触摸技术,而不是此前12年里 Palm一直使用的电阻触摸屏。 yeeyan

One major gripe especially revolves around the screen and its systemic lack of both finger-friendly capacitive-touchscreen support and multitouch interaction.
主要的抱怨围绕着屏幕,它不支持适于手指操作的电容触屏以及多点触摸。 yeeyan

The grounding capacitive current is one of the most important parameters of ungrounded neutral system.
中性点绝缘系统的接地电容电流,是电力系统的重要参数之一。 cnki

The structure and function of the device, and the method of capacitive current tracking measurement are introduced.
介绍了装置的结构与功能,以及电容电流的跟踪测量方法。 cnki

“ You can use it with gloves on, ” Moeller said. “ So it can be used in hazardous environments where capacitive would be unsuitable.”
你可以带着手套使用,所以它可以在不适合使用电容性界面触屏的危险环境下使用。 yeeyan

Adding a capacitive slider to a design costs as much as a line of copper.

Crosstalk is the transfer of energy between adjacent circuit conductors, via capacitive and inductive coupling.
串扰是指相邻的电路导线间由容性耦合或者感性耦合引起能量的转移从而造成的干扰。 yeeyan

DOC circuitry is designed to drive CMOS input devices, which are capacitive in nature, in point- to- point applications one receiver input per driver output.
在点对点应用中每驱动器输出对一个接收器输入,设计 DOC电路驱动原本为容性的 CMOS输入的器件。 iciba

Even the slightest contact of your electron-rich finger with the screen's glass is enough to activate the capacitive sensing system below.
来自带电的手指表层最细微的接触也能激活屏幕下方的电容感应系统。 yeeyan

For capacitive sensing, driving signal with DC bias voltage and AC voltage is usually necessary for the measurement of capacitance.
对电容式加速度计,为测量其电容的变化,通常需要带直流偏置的交流电压信号来驱动。 cnki

If there is an AC potential difference between the shield and the measuring instrument, there may be capacitive currents flowing through the measuring circuit that will add interference.
如果屏蔽和测量仪器之间存在一个交流电势差,则可能有电容性电流通过测量电路,增大干扰。 eefocus

Moeller pointed out that the technology creates more possibilities for interaction than capacitive interfaces like the glass touch-screens on smart phones and laptops.
Moeller指出,这项技术比电容性界面如手机或笔记本上的液晶触屏具有更好的操作性。 yeeyan

On a flagship device, the extra build cost isn't that important, for a mid- priced phone, using a capacitive screen might be prohibitive.
这点额外成本对旗舰级产品无所谓,但可能会让中等价位手机望而却步。 yeeyan

Opamps will often oscillate when driving capacitive loads.
放大器驱动容性负载时经常振荡。 iciba

Taiwan's Chunghwa Picture Tubes CPT showed off what it is calling the largest projected capacitive touch panel with its21.5-inch display.
台湾中华映管公司近日展示了一款据称为世界最大尺寸的投射式电容触摸屏显示器,显示器的面板尺寸为21.5寸。 cnbeta

These advantages have made the capacitive transducer a valuable device for measurement of engine cylinder pressures.
这些优点已使得电容式传感器成为测量发动机汽缸压力的有效的装置。 kuenglish




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