

单词 adamant
释义 ad·a·mant 英ˈædəmənt, -ˌmænt美ˈædəmənt, -ˌmæntAHDădʹə-mənt, -mănt' ★☆☆☆☆高四GMST宝八COCA¹⁷²⁹³BNC¹²¹³²iWeb¹⁴⁵¹⁰Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem
impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason;

he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind

Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him

an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency

来自拉丁语,源自希腊语,和单词diamond钻石同源,只不过后者发生了较多音变,导致二者拼写差异较大。adamant plaster速凝石膏粉刷…adamant bend机 硬质金属弯头…adamant alloy锡基巴比合金…adamant metal锡基巴比合金…
GRE红宝书a一个, dam大坝, ant蚂蚁 = 一个大坝上的蚂蚁. 在一座雄壮的大坝上, 我认识了一只蚂蚁! 它正在凛冽的寒风中背单词! 正是他启发了我写这本书, 正是他——坚强的蚂蚁、固执的蚂蚁——激励我不断向上. 同学们, 学学蚂蚁同志吧! 抛开儿女私情, 投入到背单词的伟大事业中去!
源自diamond 坚硬的钻石;a dam 大坝的特点,坚硬,坚强不屈不动摇;Adam亚当,男人的特点
联想记忆:adam亚当+ant蚂蚁,'亚当' 和'蚂蚁'都有坚定的性格。
联想记忆adam亚当+ ant蚂蚁⇒亚当和蚂蚁都很固执GRE难词记忆adamant 音“爱的门的”→爱情的门是如此地坚硬GRE难词记忆adamant→diamond n.钻石→钻石是硬石diamondn.钻石⇒钻石是硬石近义词 firm公司grim严厉的rigid坚硬的stony石头的fixed固定的diamond钻石mulish骡似的willful任性的stubborn顽固的resolute坚决的ornery脾气坏的obdurate固执的obstinate固执的immovable固定的steadfast坚定的resistant抵抗的unyielding不屈的inexorable无情的unbending不妥协的unwavering不动摇的inflexible不可弯曲的adamantine金刚石制的uncompromising不让步的intransigent不妥协性的

用作形容词She was quiteadamantthat she would not come.她坚决不来。
On this point I amadamant.在这一点上我是坚定不移的。
She wasadamantin refusing to comply with his wishes.她固执地拒绝按他的意愿办。用作名词She became as rigid asadamant.她变得如顽石般的固执。adj.unyielding
同义词 determined,insistent,intransigent,resolute,rigid,stubborn,uncompromisingfirm,immovable,pat,set,stifffixed,hang-tough,hanging tough,hard-nosed,inexorable,inflexible,obdurate,relentless,set in stone,standing pat,unbendable,unbending,unrelenting,unshakable,unswayable
反义词 flexible,irresolute,lenient,weak,willing,yielding,indefinite,movable,moving,soft,unfixedpliant,submissive,suppleadj.hard like rock
同义词 toughadamantine,flinty,impenetrable,indestructible,rock-hard,unbreakable
反义词 flexible,pliant,soft,submissive,supple,yielding
adamantineadjective stubborn
all-or-nothingadjective accepting no less than everything
doggedadjective determined, persistent
adamant,bullheaded,firm,hanging tough,hard-nosed,hardheaded,indefatigable,inexorable,inflexible,insistent,mulish,obdurate,obstinate,perseverant,perseverative,persevering,pertinacious,pigheaded,relentless,resolute,rigid,single-minded,staunch,steadfast,steady,stubborn,tenacious,unbending,unflagging,unshakable,unyielding
firmadjective unalterable, definite
abiding,adamant,bent,bound,consistent,constant,dead set on,determined,enduring,established,exact,explicit,fixed,flat,going,hang-tough,inflexible,intent,never-failing,obdurate,persevering,persistent,prevailing,resolute,resolved,set,settled,specific,stable,standpat,stated,staunch,steadfast,steady,stipulated,strict,strong,sure,tenacious,true,unbending,unchangeable,undeviating,unflinching,unqualified,unshakable,unshaken,unwavering,unyielding
hang toughadjective firm, unyielding
hard-lineadjective firm
adamant,hard-boiled,hard-core,hard-nosed,inflexible,militant,stand-pat,staunch,steadfast,stern,stiff,strict,unbending,uncompromising,ungiving,unyielding The Coptic church’s ban on divorce, and its so- far adamant refusal to reveal either woman in public, reflect the radical conservatism of Pope Shenouda III.
科普特教堂禁止离婚和一直以来坚定拒绝在公众场合让妇女露面,反映了谢努达三世教皇极端的保守主义。 ecocn

“ Had the Church been as adamant about ending racism then as it is about ending abortion now, ” he writes, his life might have taken a different path.
“假如当初教会对结束种族歧视的决心像今天对结束堕胎一样坚定的话” ,他写道,我的生活也许就会走上另一条路。 ecocn

As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.
我使你的额像金钢钻,比火石更硬。他们虽是悖逆之家,你不要怕他们,也不要因他们的脸色惊惶。 ebigear

But it is adamant that it would not do the deal if it did not believe that Geely would be a“responsible future owner”.
但是福特公司坚持认为,如果吉利公司不能成为一个“未来称职的所有者”,他们将拒绝同吉利签订协议。 ecocn

But he is adamant the protesters have to push on.
但他相当肯定抗议者必须坚持到底。 ecocn

But Mr. Boehner is adamant: our mortgage is part of the cost of our meal, and to say otherwise is just a budget gimmick.
但是,博纳先生却坚定不移说:住房抵押贷款就是饭费的一部分,不这么看就是在预算问题上耍滑头。 yeeyan

But Ron was adamant.
但是罗恩很固执。 yeeyan

But she was adamant about one thing: she would not pay a new property tax that was the centerpiece of a new austerity package announced this month by the Greek government.
不过她对一点十分肯定:她肯定不会缴希腊政府本月新增加的一笔财产税——这类新税收是政府新一轮经济紧缩政策的核心措施。 yeeyan

But the most adamant opponent was the commandant of the Marine Corps, General Carl Mundy.
不过,最坚决的反对者还是海军陆战队司令卡尔.芒迪将军。 yeeyan

But the station master was adamant: rules could not be broken and she had to watch that train disappear towards her destination while she was left behind.
但站长态度坚决,规章制度不能破坏,姑娘只得眼看那趟火车消逝在她要去的方向而撇下了她。 ebigear

But they were also adamant that Greenland could not yet afford full independence.
不过他们坚信,格陵兰现在还无法支撑起完全的独立。 ecocn

China was equally adamant.
中国也同样的固执。 ecocn

European diplomat said France was adamant that the rebels be more heavily armed and was in discussions with the Obama administration about how France would bring this about.
一位欧洲外交官说,法国正坚定不移的认为,反政府武装需要更多的武装,并与奥巴马政府讨论如何使这变为现实。 yeeyan

He was adamant, though, that “ we will not let this terrible night of violence ruin things”.
尽管如此,他也还是很坚强:“我们不会让发生在当晚的可耻暴行坏了我们的事”。 yeeyan

However, the South African authorities remain adamant they have done all they can with the resources available.
然而,南非当局坚持他们已经做了可利用资源范围内力所能及的事情。 yeeyan

I have been adamant about this because small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
我一直坚持这个法案,因为小企业是我们经济的脊梁。 yeeyan

If you are a stone, be adamant; if you are a plant, be the sensitive plant; if you are a man, be love.
如果你是石头,便应当做磁石;如果你是植物,便应当做含羞草;如果你是人,便应当做意中人。 ebigear

It could sell this to raise the cash to buy Fortune Brands or the rest of Moët Hennessy, but Mr Walsh is adamant that he will not do so.
帝亚吉欧可以卖掉健力士,以此增持现金来购买 Fortune Brands或酩悦•轩尼诗的剩余业务,但是华尔士先生固执己见,说不会这样做。 ecocn

One possible explanation is that one of the two groups of scientists made a mistake in their testing, something that both are adamant is not the case.
一个可能的解释是两组科学家之一在实验时出了错,不是双方都固执己见。 ecocn

The view was unanimous and adamant: we must finish the job.
大家的观点是一致和坚定的:我们必须完成任务。 who

With Germany equally adamant about the risks to the world of US policy, US officials will face some tough questioning in Seoul later this week.
由于德国同样坚信美国政策会给世界带来风险,在本周晚些时候的首尔峰会上,美国官员预计将受到严厉责问。 cnfol




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