

单词 adages
释义 adages ˈædɪdʒz COCA¹¹⁵⁴⁶⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.格言¹⁰⁰;谚语adage的复数形式原型adage的三单 Main categories of Chinese idioms are introduced, including set phrases, allusions, proverbs, folk adages, two-part allegorical sayings and common established maxims.
教学主要从介绍汉语熟语的基本类型入手,分门别类地系统介绍汉语成语、谚语、俗语、歇后语、惯用语、谚语、格言。 jwc.sysu.edu.cn

Secondly, heterogenous idiom- adages can reflect local cultural and mental characteristics which can not be affected by foreign culture because they are native-born.
而不同源成语谚语由于土生土长性,更能表现出不受外国文化影响的本国文化心理特色。 fabiao

The using of classical Chinese is only an expedient measure in practice while the latter realizes both sides of the folk adages:easily being understood but wordy.
但前者在理论上崇奉俗语之魔力,对文言则一棒子打死,文言的参用也只是实践中的权宜之计; cnki

However, the resourceful imp manages to finagle an apprenticeship out of the sympathetic Alfredo, whose adages come mostly from the pens of Hollywood screenwriters.
然而,这个机灵鬼打着哄有同情心的阿尔弗雷多这个格言大都出自好莱坞编剧笔下的老头收他当学徒的小算盘。 yeeyan

In addition, we have carried on comparative analysis to Chinese and foreign name folk adages and confirmed different national values further.
此外,对中外人名俗语进行了比较分析,进一步印证了不同民族的价值观念的异同。 cnki

Persons who do not put much faith in books often put great faith in familiar proverbs and adages.
在书不放置信念的人员在熟悉谚语和格言经常放置极大的信念。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Sometimes, these fortunes are wise adages;
有的时候,这些好运是智慧的格言; s520

Start off with your purpose, your values, followed by adages in life, your long- term goals then your short-term goals.
开始一天的生活时,在脑子想一遍:你的人生目的,你的价值观,生活中得到的经验教训,你的长期目标和短期目标。 yeeyan




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