

单词 Canute
释义 Cnut /Knut 英kəˈnuːt, -ˈnjuːt美kəˈnut, -ˈnjutAHDkə-n›tʹ, -ny›tʹ Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

king of Denmark and Norway who forced Edmund II to divide England with him; on the death of Edmund II, Canute became king of all England 994-1035近义词 Cnut克努特即Canute…knut克努特英格兰、丹麦及挪…
A hundred years or more after the time of Alfred the Great king of England,849—899, there was a king of Englandnamed Canute.
阿尔弗雷德大帝(849-899,英格兰国王之后100多年左右,有一个英格兰国王名叫克努特。 www.for68.com

“ LET all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings,” Canute admonished his courtiers, the hem of his royal robes heavy with seawater.
‘让世人都看清那些国王的所谓权利是多么的徒有其名吧’克努特这样告诫他的文武百官们,而他皇室长袍的下摆已被海水浸透了。 ecocn

Executives have“ as much chance of reversing the secular shift of audiences from the theatre to the home as King Canute had in commanding the tide to recede.”
原译:管理人员有大把的机会实现老百姓从影院观看到在家观看的转变,就像克努特国王命令大海退潮一样。 ecocn

Is he Noah or are we King Canute?
他是诺亚,还是我们是卡努王? yeeyan

King of England1035-1040. The illegitimate son of Canute, Harold claimed the English throne after his father's death.
英国国王1035-1040年,克努特的私生子,在他父亲死后继承了英国王位。 odict.net

Politicians may insist that the United States still stands apart— always and forever a “triple-A n a tion” — but their declarations will have as much effect as King Canute ordering the waves to stop.
政治家们可能坚持认为美国仍然孤立,它总是而且永远是一个强国,但是他们的宣言将和卡纽特国王下令巨浪停止一样不起作用。 yeeyan

Then Canute took off his crown, and threw it down upon the sand.
这时克努特摘下他的王冠,扔在沙滩上。 www.for68.com

When Ethebred's death left no strong Saxon successor, the Witan chose Canute the Danish leader, as king in 1016.
埃塞尔雷德死后没有留下有实力的撒克逊承继人,于是贤人会议选择了丹麦领袖克努特为国王。 laizixi

Canute did not think he could control the tides; he took the sycophantic suggestion that he might and turned it into an opportunity for instruction.
克努特并不认为他可以控制潮汐,他接受了那个谄媚的建议将它作为一个提供启示的机会。 ecocn




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