释义 |
can't help but短语²⁰⁶⁵⁵ 基本例句 美不得不;不能不;必须;只好 Although laws relating to this have already been issued, for the sake of profits, corporations can't help but intentionally or unintentionally mislead consumers in their advertisements. 虽然已经颁布了有关法律﹐但企业为了盈利﹐不免会在广告中有意无意地误导消费者。 chinafanyi.com And since you can't help but ask—and anything you ask for is given— then there is no real learning going on. 既然你禁不住要求----你要求的任何事都被给予-----那么没有真正的学习在进行。 songtaowang.com I can't help but often think of my parents. 我禁不住经常想起我的父母。 sparke It is for this reason that any new RTS I play I can't help but immediately compare it to StarCraft. 也正是由于这个原因,每次我接触到一款新的游戏后,我总是忍不住把它同星际争霸相比较。 blog.sina.com.cn Looking at the way he munches the popcorn, I can't help but feeling happy for him. 看看他吃着爆米花的样子,真是为他感到幸福。 shubaoku The universe creates through profound, unknown principles; designers can't help but to think how to respond to these principles. 宇宙以一种冥冥不可知的规范运作著,创作者不可免要思索如何与之应对。 forgemind There must be some music that touched your emotions and your sensations, can't help but humming and sing along with its rhythm. 总有些音乐能触动你的情绪,为之动容,不由自立随着旋律轻轻哼着。 qtwish They are children and while away from home, they can't help but often think of their parents and other relatives. 他们是孩子,所以当离开家的时候,他们忍不住要想念他们的父母亲和亲戚。 iask.sina.com.cn Until now, thinking about you, still can't help but happy smile. 直到现在,想着你,还是会情不自禁的笑出声来。 blog.sina.com.cn You can't help but to feel at peace when viewing them. 我们在观看的时候,会获得内心的平静。 yeeyan |