

单词 canoes
释义 ca·noe·s 英kə'nuː美kə'nuː COCA²²⁸²⁵BNC²³⁷⁴⁸Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a light boat moved by paddles

vi. 划〔乘〕独木舟

often go canoeing to travel in a canoe

vt. 用独木舟运送

carry sb/sth by canoe

small and light boat; pointed at both ends; propelled with a paddle
travel by canoe;

canoe along the canal









用作名词 n.
动词+~paddle a canoe划小划子paddle one's own canoe自力更生,自食其力介词+~in a canoe乘坐独木舟by canoe乘独木舟
近义词 boat船ship船bongo小鼓craft工艺vessel容器steamer汽船dugout防空洞pirogue独木舟outrigger承力外伸支架…kayak爱斯基摩人用的皮船…
用作名词n.The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom.独木舟在旋涡之中摇晃打转。
If we live here, we will have to travel by canoe.如果我们住在这儿,我们必须以独木舟为交通工具。
They slid the canoe down to the water.他们使小舟滑到水中。
They used to make canoes from cedar logs.他们以前用杉木制造独木舟。
Native Americans used canoes to travel on rivers.美洲原住居民用皮划艇在河上来往。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe boy is canoeing in the lake.这男孩正在湖中划独木舟。
S+ ~+n./pron.He canoed the old man across the river.他用独木舟把那位老人送过了河。
He canoed the load across the bay.他用小划子把货物运过小海湾。
The catchers were canoed back to their camp for up the river.捕猎者乘坐小独木舟回到远在河上游的营地。
用作名词We crossed the lake in acanoe.我们乘独木舟过河。
If you stand up you'll overbalance thecanoe.要是站起来,能把独木舟弄翻。
Thecanoewas sucked down into the whirlpool.划艇被卷进了旋涡。用作动词They werecanoeingin the lake.他们在湖中划独木舟。
You can alwayscanoeback down the river to the campsite.你可以随时乘独木舟回到营地。
Munitions werecanoedacross the river.军火用独木舟搬运过河。 As I turned, I saw five dugout canoes full of indigenous Indians, their faces highlighted by lines of bright red paint, coming towards us fast.
转身时我看到五艘独木舟满载着土著印第安人,他们的脸上有大红颜料绘出的线条,他们正朝我们飞快驶来。 yeeyan

The colors for this room were inspired by the painting of Hawaiian canoes on the wall.
这个房间颜色的灵感来自墙上的夏威夷独木舟画作。 quancai.com

The dugout canoes drift silently along the waters, past mud- banks and screeching birds.
独木舟悄无声息地在水面上划过,经过泥土的河岸,听见鸟儿在鸣叫。 yeeyan

“ We're building a dock and pier and I'd like to get six kayaks and canoes,” says chief executive Jon Wheeler.
“我们正在建一座码头,凸式码头,我打算购置六艘皮划艇和独木舟,”该公司首席执行官乔恩•惠勒 Jon Wheeler表示。 hjenglish

Agile process and conservative companies don't have to be like oil and water or canoes and kayaks.
敏捷流程和保守公司未必像油和水或独木舟和皮船。 ibm

As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination.
当发令枪打响后,人们就能看到坐在龙形舟的赛手们在急促鼓点的伴随下齐力拼命摇桨驶向他们的目的地。 ebigear

But I had already experienced love by that timeactually with his son, as a little side note, and I knew it was more valuable than any amount of moneyor caves or canoes could buy.
其实,当时我已有了爱就是他的儿子,小注一下,我知道,还有比钱洞穴或小舟更珍贵的东西。 yeeyan

Dugout canoes a popular means of transport.
通常的交通工具是独木舟。 yeeyan

During the day, they paddle canoes, shoot arrows, go swimming and explore nature.
白天,他们划船、射箭、游泳、探索大自然。 ecocn

I loved getting dirty, paddling canoes all day long and making friends to last a lifetime.
我喜欢变得脏兮兮的,整天划着独木舟,交朋友,我愿意这样过完一生。 yeeyan

Rowing is different from the athletes for moving forward while canoes used by paddle in the boat was not fixed.
不同于赛艇的是,运动员面向前进方向,同时皮划艇所使用的划桨并不固定在船身上。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

Some40 businesses are now at work, with government help, in the old buildings: making canoes, growing mushrooms and even, in the old magnetite mines, bottling mineral water.
在政府的帮助下,在古老的建筑里还存在着一些40年前的产业:制造独木舟,种植蘑菇甚至在旧磁铁矿灌矿泉水。 ecocn

The islanders commuted to shore in canoes, or they built causeways just beneath the surface to conceal them from the crannog- looting scoundrels that roamed the countryside.
岛上的人乘独木舟与岸上交通往来,或者建造低于水面堤道。因为乡野之所流氓猖獗,将堤道隐藏在水下可以防止小岛被打劫。 yeeyan

The rivers are our brothers; they quench our thirst. The rivers carry our canoes, and feed our children.
我们兄弟的河流解了我们的渴,河流载送我们的独木舟而且喂养了我们的孩子。 yeeyan

This request is granted, and after he writes his letter, they kill him saving his skin for their canoes.
他的请求被答应了,等他写完信,他们杀死了他,留下他的皮做独木舟。 blog.sina.com.cn

Two years later, I was in Hawaii and learned how the Polynesian people populated the Pacific Islands in dugout canoes2,000 years ago.
两年后,我跑到了夏威夷。在那里我学到了2000年前波利尼西亚人是怎样靠独木舟来到这个太平洋小岛定居的。 edu.sina.com.cn

We spent our days hiking trails, teaching them to paddle canoes, swimming in the beautiful blue water, and soaking up the simplicity of this amazing place.
我们爬山,教孩子们划独木舟,在碧蓝色的水中游泳,摄取这个不可思议的地方的灵气。 yeeyan

We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo.
我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。 kekenet

We slept under canoes one night and found a place to sleep under a pavilion on picnic tables another night.
有一晚我们睡在独木舟下面,另一晚我们找到了一个亭子,睡在了餐桌上。 yeeyan

Canoes movement in Europe has a broad mass base, and the winners of the competition ever European countries.
皮划艇运动在欧洲有着广泛的群众基础,历来比赛的优胜者属欧洲国家。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn




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