

单词 canister
释义 can·is·ter 英ˈkænɪstə美ˈkænɪstɚAHDkănʹĭ-stər ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁶²²⁶BNC³¹⁰⁹⁵iWeb¹¹⁰⁷¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearmmetal container for storing dry foods such as tea or flour词源同can, cane.electronic canister电子仪器装运箱…oxygen canister氧呼吸袋canister shot霰弹instrument canister仪表箱canister resistance detecting apparatus滤毒罐阻力测量器…carbon monoxide canister一氧化碳滤毒罐…tea canister茶叶罐flameproof canister耐燃罐gas mask canister防毒面具罐
近义词 tin锡shell壳can可以vase花瓶flask细颈瓶cylinder圆筒container容器case shot霰弹canister shot霰弹cannister金属罐滤毒罐…

用作名词She restored the teacanisterto its place.她把茶叶罐放回原处。
The flame was carried in a special metalcanister.火舌被放置在一个特殊的金属罐中。
My fingertips could barely touch the filmcanister.我的手指勉强能触及那个胶卷筒。as in.(bin
同义词 basket,box,carton,case,crate,receptacleas in.bucket
同义词 can,cask,kettle,pail,potbrazier,hod,scuttle,vatas in.can
同义词 bottle,bucket,jar,packagealuminum,cannikin,gunboat,receptacle,tin,vesselgutbucket,pop topas in.case
同义词 bag,baggage,basket,bin,box,cabinet,caddy,caisson,capsule,carton,cartridge,casing,casket,chamber,chassis,chest,coffer,cover,covering,crate,crating,crib,drawer,envelope,folder,grip,holder,integument,jacket,receptacle,scabbard,sheath,shell,suitcase,trunk,wallet,wrapper,wrappingas in.container
同义词 bag,bottle,bowl,box,bucket,can,capsule,carton,crate,dish,jar,jug,kettle,package,packet,pail,pot,pouch,sack,storage,tank,tub,utensil,vase,vessel,vialalembic,beaker,bin,bunker,caisson,canteen,carafe,cask,casket,cauldron,chamber,chest,churn,cistern,cradle,crock,ewer,firkin,flask,hamper,hod,hopper,hutch,jeroboam,magnum,pit,pod,poke,pottery,purse,receptacle,reliquary,repository,sac,scuttle,stein,vathumidoras in.pail
同义词 container,jug,potreceptacle,vesselas in.pot
同义词 basin,bowl,bucket,can,cup,jar,jug,kettle,mug,pan,saucepan,urn,vesselcrock,crucible,pitcher,receptacle,tankard
binnoun container
bucketnoun container, often for liquids, with handle
bucketsnoun container, often for liquids, with handle
cannoun container, usually metallic
aluminum,bottle,bucket,canister,cannikin,gunboat,gutbucket,jar,package,pop top,receptacle,tin,vessel
casenoun container;items in container
containernoun holder for physical object
alembic,bag,beaker,bin,bottle,bowl,box,bucket,bunker,caisson,can,canister,canteen,capsule,carafe,carton,cask,casket,cauldron,chamber,chest,churn,cistern,cradle,crate,crock,dish,ewer,firkin,flask,hamper,hod,hopper,humidor,hutch,jar,jeroboam,jug,kettle,magnum,package,packet,pail,pit,pod,poke,pot,pottery,pouch,purse,receptacle,reliquary,repository,sac,sack,scuttle,stein,storage,tank,tub,utensil,vase,vat,vessel,vial The canister of salty sauna honey for rubbing on the skin and the birch- branch whisks shrink- wrapped, imported from Estonia and stored in the freezer arouse horror.
桶装的桑拿浴盐蜜用于涂抹在皮肤上和桦树枝做的扫把热缩塑料包张,从爱沙尼亚进口,冰柜储藏引起了他们的恐慌。 ecocn

The canister uses a fan to force air through the filter, and then the purified air runs through a hose to the mask.
罐中的风扇使空气流过过滤器,这样净化的空气通过软管达到面具。 yeeyan

A libyan rebels security forces member looks on as libyan youth play with a canister at Freedom square on August22,2011 in Benghazi, Libya.
2011年8月22日,在利比亚的班加西的自由广场,一名反对派安全部队成员在观看一名利比亚青年把玩一个金属气罐。 yeeyan

Abu Rahmeh's brother was killed in 2009 when he was hit by a tear gas canister fired by Israeli troops.
阿卜.拉赫梅的兄弟2009年被以色列军队发射的催泪瓦斯散弹筒击中死亡。 voanews

But the discussions quickly degenerated into a shouting match and he was attacked: a few officers shoved him and one launched a tear-gas canister at him.
但是讨论迅速恶化成一场大声争吵,尔后他受到攻击:几个警察推开他,一个警察向他投掷一枚催泪弹。 ecocn

Eaton’s Hybrid Fuel Tank Isolation Valve enables fuel vapor containment within the tank until the engine is available and prevents canister saturation and hydrocarbon leakage.
伊顿的混合动力油箱隔离阀实现了发动机的启用之前油气都会贮存在油箱当中,这组织了碳罐饱和和碳氢化合物的渗漏。 yeeyan

For a better brew, keep coffee in an airtight canister in a cabinet.
为了得到更好的冲泡咖啡,应该把咖啡放在陈列柜上的一个密封罐内保存。 yeeyan

He kept the mug- sized canister of powder in his dining room and invited friends and family around to marvel at it.
他将这个啤酒杯大小装着粉末的罐子放在餐厅,并邀请朋友和家人参观欣赏。 yeeyan

He tried to pull her out of the car when a gas canister in the car exploded.
在车内气体罐快爆炸的时候,他把她拉出了车外。 yeeyan

However, instead of placing the filter directly on the mask and requiring the user's lungs to suck air through it, the filter attaches to a battery-operated canister.
但是,不是将过滤器直接装到面具上并靠穿戴着肺部吸气来过滤空气,而是将过滤器与电池驱动的罐连接。 yeeyan

If you go through your white flour in less than a year, however, you can safely keep it on the counter in an airtight jar or canister.
不过,如果您可以在不到一年的时间里用完您的白面粉,那您就可以放心的把它放在柜台上的一密闭瓶或罐中。 yeeyan

In the blue corner in one recent match, Zhang Jiangen slowly slid the top off a round clay canister to ready a Shandong cricket for his bout.
在最近一场比赛的休息区中,张健根音慢慢滑开一只圆陶罐的盖子,准备用里面的一只山东蟋蟀斗上一回。 iciba

Inside were her school gym clothes, a plastic canister with a vitamin drink and her lunchbox.
袋里装着她学校的体育服,一个装着维他命饮料的塑料水罐和便当盒。 yeeyan

It crawled out of a plastic film canister that had been mailed to me by a distraught student in the Boston area who had no idea what it was.
这是住在波士顿地区的一个学生邮寄给我的,他为其所扰却不知其为何物。 yeeyan

It even has an onboard oxygen canister.
它甚至还随身携带氧气瓶。 yeeyan

One assembly member disrupted the vote by letting off a tear-gas canister.
一名国会成员通过释放一罐催泪弹来破坏投票。 ecocn

She restored the tea canister to its place.
她把茶叶罐放回原处。 putclub

The detective on the phone explained how someone had sprayed a canister of Freon into the dead-bolt lock and then tapped the lock with a cold chisel to shatter the cylinder.
侦探在电话里向我演示了某人是如何往弹子门锁里喷罐装气态氟利昂,然后用小凿子把锁头敲碎。 yeeyan

The entrance to the village was barricaded, but at the first volley of Prussian canister, all took to flight again, and Lobau was taken.
在进村子处设了防御工事,但是普鲁士的弹片一飞,大家全又逃散了,于是罗博就缚。 ebigear

The seedlings are dropped in a wax canister full of fertiliser that explodes when it hits the ground and grows into a tree.
幼苗被放置在这些装满肥料的蜡制炸弹中,在地面爆炸后,这些幼苗将成长为一棵棵的大树。 yeeyan

There is good tea in the canister marked' Baking Powder.' Don't ask why.
茶筒里有好茶,标着:发酵粉,别问为什么取这个名字。 yeeyan

Unlike in previous cases, no bottle or canister was found.
和以往案件不同,周三并没有瓶子或罐子被找到。 iciba

Witnesses say that when clashes broke out, he was struck in the head by a projectile fired by police— either a rubber bullet or a tear gas canister.
目击者说当示威者和警察爆发冲突时,斯科特.欧勒森被警察发射端物体所击中,该物体有可能是橡胶子弹或催泪瓦斯罐。 yeeyan

You take a spray canister of refrigerant, R-12 if you can still get it, what with the ozone hole and everything, or R-134a, and you spray it into the lock cylinder until the works are frozen.
你带上一罐制冷剂,有门路的话就用 R12,就是它造成臭氧层通洞之类,或者用 R134a,从锁眼里喷进去,直到把里边的零件冻住。 yeeyan




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